Personalised for LOCAL students.
Local student means; you are an Australian citizen or permanent resident, a New Zealand citizen or a permanent humanitarian visa holder.
Personalised for INTERNATIONAL students.
International student means; you are not an Australian citizen or permanent resident, a New Zealand citizen or a permanent humanitarian visa holder.

Coding a New Future: Jillian's IT Journey

From karaoke sessions with her aunt to becoming the Outstanding Business, Advanced Manufacturing and Logistics Student of the Year, Jillian Magat's journey celebrates the power of supportive relationships and hard work.

Jillian, who completed the Diploma of Information Technology ICT50220 at Melbourne Polytechnic, has a story that resonates with many immigrants seeking to build a new life in Australia, including the challenges and triumphs of adapting to a new country while pursuing educational goals.

A Taste of Home

Like many Filipino households, Jillian's home isn't complete without a karaoke machine. This familiar hobby serves as a comforting link to her cultural roots. "If you've known a Filipino, aside from the food, it's always 'do you have a karaoke?'" Jillian says. "Every household has one, and that's one of the things my aunt and I do. It's really comforting."

The Power of Mentorship

At the heart of Jillian's success story is her relationship with her aunt - not a blood relative, but a mentor who has been instrumental in Jillian's journey. Having experienced the challenges of immigration herself, Jillian's aunt understands the importance of guidance and support.

"She's equipping me with the things that I need to survive as an immigrant," Jillian explains. "When she got here, she didn't know anyone like me. She didn't have good living conditions. She didn't get the support that she needed. That's why she's been helping because she knows what it feels like to not have someone guiding her around."

This mentorship has been a driving force behind Jillian's achievements. When Jillian was named the VET Student of the Year for her department, her aunt's pride was palpable. "Just couldn't believe you. That small girl. You are so powerful and so strong, and I'm always telling you to my friends about you. They're so proud," her aunt says.

Look at me now. I'm a Bachelor of IT student doing software development. I'm surviving and I will survive.
Jullian Magat
Outstanding Business, Advanced Manufacturing and Logistics Student of the Year 2024 Winner and Bachelor of Information Technology Student
A woman wearing glasses and a blue shirt, posing for the camera

A Bright Future in IT

Jillian's journey didn't end with her diploma. She's now pursuing a Bachelor of Information Technology, specialising in software development.

Despite the increased difficulty of her current studies, Jillian remains positive. "Look at me now. I'm a Bachelor of IT student doing software development. I'm surviving and I will survive, and I will still survive even if my course is harder than last year," she says. 

Jillian's story is more than just a personal triumph, it reflects the opportunities available in the rapidly growing field of Information Technology. Her success in the Diploma of Information Technology ICT50220 has laid a strong foundation for her continued studies and future career in software development.

Jillian's achievements are a strong reminder of the power of perseverance, the importance of mentorship, and the transformative potential of education. Her journey to IT also serves as an inspiration to those navigating the challenges of building a new life in a new country.

Jillian Magat's story is a great example of what can be achieved with determination, support, and quality education. We look forward to seeing where her journey in the world of Information Technology takes her next.