Personalised for LOCAL students.
Local student means; you are an Australian citizen or permanent resident, a New Zealand citizen or a permanent humanitarian visa holder.
Personalised for INTERNATIONAL students.
International student means; you are not an Australian citizen or permanent resident, a New Zealand citizen or a permanent humanitarian visa holder.

Make the most of student life

Image of smiling students jumping in the air
Student life - you just need to know some life hacks

Life as a student means lots of fun, but it can also bring significant challenges. Lack of money, all work and no play, sitting alone on breaks and the stresses of staying up until 3am the night before an important assessment is due.

These are all short-term hurdles to get to the ultimate goal, which is your qualification and future career.

Lots of students pull the pin on their course due to these short-term stresses and challenges that present themselves, often living to regret their choice in later years.

But it doesn’t have to be this way. Studying can be heaps of fun. There are a number of ways to get involved in campus life, which will make your time as a student much more bearable and will make you want to be a student forever.

Learn something new

Melbourne Polytechnic is made up of students from over 150 different countries. There is so much to learn about the world, potentially sitting on the table next to you in class. Reach out and start a conversation with another student while you wait in line at the cafeteria. You never know what you might learn.

Improve your CV

There are bucket loads of ways to make you stand out from the crowd when you go for your next job. Most of which, you’re able to accomplish in your hour lunch break. Melbourne Polytechnic offer a range of volunteering opportunities throughout the year. Regardless of where your skills are, there are plenty of chances to beef up your CV with volunteer experience.

(If you have ever thought whether you’ve made the right career choice? There is free career counselling available for all students. See MelbPoly Thrive mobile app for more details)

Save some money…There’s free food!

As a student, money can be tight. Good thing is, you don’t need to spend that on food. There’s plenty of free food on campus, you just need to know where to look. SLAM run a free fortnightly breakfast program with a better selection of cereal than your local supermarket, toast, Nutella, peanut butter and the best fruit loaf bread you will ever taste in your life.

Get involved in student life

Students often regret not getting involved in student life once they have finished their life as a student. There is more to coming to study than sitting in classroom. From a large SLAM event, to a student fundraiser, or an art exhibition, there is something happening on campus almost every single day. From SLAM (Student Life at Melbourne Polytechnic) run over four-hundred free events every year across the seven Melbourne Polytechnic campuses.

For a full list of events and locations, check out the Student Portal.

Your guide to nailing that job interview

Putting in the time and effort now can place you in the best possible position to push your application into the interview pile, then your name to the top of the preferred candidate list. So what to you need to do?

Your guide to nailing that job interview