We are extremely proud to have been awarded ‘Inclusive Training Provider of the Year’ at the 2018 Victorian Training Awards (VTA). Staff from Melbourne Polytechnic accepted the award at the VTA ceremony held at Crown Palladium on 24 August 2018.
Our Work Education programs provide an inclusive and effective education and training environment for staff and students with disabilities and we have been recognised for our work.
The Work Education Department focus on empowerment; one program saw the establishment of several on-campus retail stores including a produce shop, and a not-for-profit store selling work cloths to students from low socio-economic backgrounds. These retail experiences highlighted the value of hiring people with disabilities. Strong relationships with local employers have yielded excellent employment outcomes for those in the programs.
For 2016-17, 24 graduates achieved mainstream employment and 77 students went on to further studies. Students with disability participate in all aspects of Melbourne Polytechnic student life through the provision of a range of support services.
Melbourne Polytechnic is the largest employer of deaf staff in Victoria, through our Auslan programs.
Students with disabilities participate in training with educators who go the extra mile to optimise their educational outcomes. 264 students who identified as having a disability attained their qualifications last year, ready to enter the workforce.
Congratulations to all the staff and students who make this program unique, achievable, and extremely rewarding for all.