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Delsye Teo

Dr Delsye Teo is a civil engineer with professional experience that spans over 20 years working in both academia and industry.

Currently, Delsye is a Senior Lecturer and Head of Program of the Bachelor of Engineering Technology (Civil) at Melbourne Polytechnic. She is passionate about teaching and playing a role in educating future generations. Her overarching role as an educator is to not only deliver sound knowledge and understanding of fundamental principles, but also create an environment for students to develop an aptitude for creative thinking to solve real life engineering problems.

Delsye obtained her Bachelor’s Degree in Civil and Construction Engineering from Curtin University, Western Australia and PhD in Civil Engineering from Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS), Malaysia. Her research interests are in the field of Civil, Structural and Construction Engineering with a focus on the development of sustainable building materials. She has published over 40 peer reviewed papers and has been cited over 1,000 times in Scopus. She is committed to research which can help solve problems in the local communities.