Personalised for LOCAL students.
Local student means; you are an Australian citizen or permanent resident, a New Zealand citizen or a permanent humanitarian visa holder.
Personalised for INTERNATIONAL students.
International student means; you are not an Australian citizen or permanent resident, a New Zealand citizen or a permanent humanitarian visa holder.

Student Equity and Access Service

At Melbourne Polytechnic, we provide a range of services and supports to students who have a diagnosed medical condition or disability that may impact on their ability to engage in their studies.

Our Student Equity and Access Service (SEAS) assists students whose learning is affected by disabilities including physical, intellectual, sensory, psychiatric and neurological disabilities. 

Equity and Access

We provide services and supports if you have a diagnosed medical condition or disability that may impact on your ability to engage in your studies.

Our support services may include:

We’ll meet with you and create a plan that meets your needs as well as provide ongoing support throughout your studies.

Working with the Student Equity and Access Service (SEAS)

Melbourne Polytechnic employs Student Equity and Access Advisors (SEAA) to coordinate and arrange support services for students across all campuses. You can register with the SEAS each year. A SEAA will work with you to decide on the services that are required to support you. The service is free and confidential. 

What documentation do I need?

Students need to provide supporting documentation from an appropriate health care professional. SEAA's require a current letter or report (within three years) from an appropriate health professional to organise support. This must include:

  • A diagnosis of your disability
  • How study/access may be affected
  • If the condition is permanent, temporary or fluctuating
  • Any special requirements
  • Strategies that can assist the student

What services are available?

The type of support you receive will be discussed and planned when you meet with your SEAA. Supports are based on information given during registration, the nature of the course you’re studying and appropriate supporting documentation. According to the Disability Discrimination Act 1992, the Disability Standards for Education 2005 and the Equal Opportunity Act 2010, students with a disability have the right to participate in education on the same basis as other students.

You also have the right to negotiate appropriate reasonable adjustments. What is deemed reasonable will depend on your individual needs, although they must not compromise the learning outcomes of the subject/course or be considered unreasonable by the institute.

Disability Transition Officer

Our Disability Transition Officers provide one-to-one support for students with disabilities transitioning from secondary school (including specialist schools and alternate education settings) to Melbourne Polytechnic.

Our Disability Transition Officers can support by:

  • Providing guidance to students, their families, schools and care teams.
  • Facilitating wrap-around support for students who are transitioning.
  • Help students and families understand their rights regarding Reasonable Adjustments in a TAFE context. 
  • Develop a transition plan for the student’s first 90 days, outlining supports and key actions.
  • Assisting with enrolment processes and troubleshooting any difficulties.
  • Collaborating with stakeholders to enhance transition processes.

Working within a ‘Team Around the Learner’ framework and alongside our Student Equity and Access Service, our Disability Transition Officers will guide and monitor students throughout their first 90 days of enrolment.

Our Officers partner with secondary schools to develop an understanding of the TAFE environment and share transition best practice within the Victorian TAFE Network.

Contact us

For more information please contact the Student Hub on campus or on 03 9269 1314.

You can also contact the team via email at