Personalised for LOCAL students.
Local student means; you are an Australian citizen or permanent resident, a New Zealand citizen or a permanent humanitarian visa holder.
Personalised for INTERNATIONAL students.
International student means; you are not an Australian citizen or permanent resident, a New Zealand citizen or a permanent humanitarian visa holder.
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Enrol in a VET course at Melbourne Polytechnic

We're really excited for you to join the Melbourne Polytechnic community and we look forward to supporting you on your education journey.

The first step to enrolling is completing the short form on the course page that you're intending to study. You'll receive a link to complete a few more personal details. We'll send you an email to confirm these requirements.

Below is an outline of the steps following the application form for local students undertaking VET courses. 

Need help enrolling? 

An Enrolment Centre Advisor will be able to help guide you through the process

Step by step enrolment in a VET course

You've found your course, applied online and maybe attended an information session or interview. The next steps will get you on your way in your new learning and career journey.

Select from a range of courses offered at Melbourne Polytechnic. You can also visit the Skills & Job Centre if you need assistance deciding what course is right for you.  

Need to know more? Enquire now.

Check the Melbourne Polytechnic website for entrance requirements for your course. 

If an interview or audition is required, contact us on 1300 635 276 to make a booking.   

Click here to find and register for an information session.

Click the APPLY NOW button on the course page or contact us on 1300 635 276.

You can book a 1-on-1 consultation via email

You will be emailed a reference number and link to complete the application form. 

You will be required to: 

  • Provide your Unique Student Identifier (USI)   
  • Complete a literacy and numeracy assessment (BKSB)  
  • All courses require identify verification and proof of citizenship or residency. 

Your proof of ID can be a: 

- Australian or New Zealand birth certificate (not an extract) or
- Australian or New Zealand Passport or
- Green Medicare card or 
- Certificate of Australian citizenship

  • Upload valid concession entitlement (if applicable).

This is where you will have the opportunity to discuss your application, ask questions, be assessed for skills first funding and determine course suitability and receive a copy of your Training Plan.

Based on your Training Plan and eligibility for skills first funding, a Fee Statement outlining payment options will be issued. 

Once you accept your Fee Statement and pay your fees, you have secured a place in the course.

A welcome email will be sent within 24 hours of payment.

Some courses, such as those visual or performing arts require an interview or audition in addition to your online application.

After completing your online application, you'll book an interview or audition via our online booking system. In most cases, this is an informal discussion around your creative practice, technical skills, and what you hope to gain from study. It may include a presentation of a folio of work, demonstrating your ideas, skill, or ability.

For those courses that require an interview or audition, teaching staff will contact you afterwards with either an offer of a place in the course or provide further guidance and discuss alternative course options.