Personalised for LOCAL students.
Local student means; you are an Australian citizen or permanent resident, a New Zealand citizen or a permanent humanitarian visa holder.
Personalised for INTERNATIONAL students.
International student means; you are not an Australian citizen or permanent resident, a New Zealand citizen or a permanent humanitarian visa holder.

Master of Professional and Practicing Accounting




2 years full time


2 years

Next Intake

February, July

Next Intake

February, July

Break into the business industry with a Master of Professional and Practicing Accounting

Our CPA-accredited Masters degree covers a broader scope of accounting streams than are commonly found in other courses. Dive deeper into management and corporate accounting, commercial law, audit theory and business regulation and finish your course with an industry related research project that prepares you for the real world of accounting.

Once qualified, you’ll be set up for work in Consultancy, Business Analysis, Financial Accounting or Public Practice Accounting. You’ll also be eligible for further studies through CPA Australia and Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand (CAANZ).

CPA Logo

Count the credentials

Designed for progressive, hardworking, business-minded graduates and for those wanting to excel in the professional accounting field, the MPPA offers a plethora of employment opportunities, in any corner of the globe! The MPPA is ideal for those from a non-academic background who require a pathway into the professional bodies, CPA Australia and Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand (CAANZ). It also provides higher-level studies for those with an accounting degree.

Melbourne Polytechnic’s MPPA is accredited by CPA Australia and by CAANZ.

Career Pathways

Where will the Master of Professional and Practicing Accounting take me?

As a graduate of Melbourne Polytechnic’s Master of Professional and Practicing Accounting, you’ll have the skills and knowledge to explore a variety of different career opportunities.

  • Management Accountant
  • Financial Consultant
  • Business Consultant
  • Business Analyst
  • Public Practice Accountant
  • Senior Accountant
  • Consultant
  • Financial Accountant

Study Pathways

You can apply for entry into the professional programs of CPA Australia and CAANZ. You will be across research principles and methods appropriate to professional and practicing accounting and professional scholarship.

Course Details

Delivery methods

Course delivery continues at Melbourne Polytechnic during the challenges of the coronavirus (COVID-19) situation the world is facing right now. Our top priority remains the health, safety and well-being of our community.

This program has responded to the COVID-19 restrictions by modifying its delivery to a blended model supporting remote learning. For the immediate term, we’ve changed the way our students attend class, with all lectures, tutorials and seminars moved online.

A collaborative learning environment is created through the requirement of students to attend synchronous online sessions at the normal class times. These sessions are run through Moodle, our learning management system, and conferencing software (e.g. Zoom or Teams). This includes assessment wherever possible.

Alternative arrangements are being made for activities which must be conducted on-campus.

  • Blended learning
  • Face-to-face

Assessment Methods

Assessment consists of a mixture of case study reports, research reports, presentations, tests and examinations. The assessment recognises the advanced level of the studies in this course.

Units of Study

Credit points are a basic measure of student workload. All subjects are given a credit point value. Most subjects at Melbourne Polytechnic are 12 credit points. A normal full-time annual workload is 96 credit points. The academic year is divided into two main semesters; full-time students usually enrol in 48 credit points each semester, part-time students usually enrol in 24 credit points each semester or less.

Code Subject Elective Description Year Semester
MPA611 Accounting Principles Core This unit is designed to introduce students to the fundamental accounting principles and the understanding of functions of financial and management accounting. Weekly topics include the knowledge of accounting processes from the recording of transactions to the preparation and presentation of financial statements. Students will acquire the skills to critically review and evaluate the information by applying the fundamental concepts, conceptual framework and generally accepted accounting principles to resolve the accounting issues. 1 1
MPA613 Economics for Managers Core This subject focuses on decision making and policy choices in a dynamic economic environment. It entails introduction of microeconomic and macroeconomic concepts and tools as a first step; students then learn how to analyse various business scenarios in given economic conditions and make decisions- both at micro and macro level. They also learn what impact a managerial decision or macro level policy change might have on an individual or a household, a firm, an industry, and the overall economy. Emphasis is given on the Australian economy, its current macroeconomic policy changes, and their impact on the society and environment in light of globalization. 1 1
MPA614 Commercial Law Core Students develop legal knowledge and understanding of key commercial law principles with reference to particular commercial law areas relevant to business and consumers. The unit assists students to understand key commercial law concepts including contract law. The law of agency and contracting through intermediaries is considered as well as the importance of agency principles and how agency applies more generally to commercial law transactions. Students investigate various aspects of consumer law, the Competition and Consumer Act 2010 (Cth), the Australian Consumer Law (ACL), competition law and anti-competitive business practices, and the impact of such behaviour on competition and consumers in a free market economy. The unit also deals with e-commerce and the Electronic Transactions Act 1999 (Cth), the National Consumer Credit Protection Act 2009 (Cth), the National Credit code and licencing of credit providers, and the operation of the Insurance Contracts Act 1984 (Cth) and its application to contracts of insurance. 1 1
MPA615 Management Accounting Core ​​This subject develops knowledge of management accounting at an introductory level. It focuses on introducing a range of different costing systems for both manufacturing and non-manufacturing entities in order to create value for management decision making. Students will learn management accounting concepts and analytical tools, and how to apply them in real business scenarios. Topics covered in this subject, among others, include cost volume profit analysis, product and service costing, activity-based costing, and relevant information for decision making. 1 1
MPA711 Financial Accounting Core This subject is a financial accounting unit that draws on students’ prior knowledge of accounting principles to explore the various financial reporting tasks associated with the recording of transactions and/or events for sole traders and partnership forms of business organisation. Additionally, students explore the use of accounting software to capture business activities. Students develop analytical skills required for the application of accounting rules and enhance fundamental skills in using accounting software to process transactions and/or events related to business entities. 1 2
MPA714 Corporations Law Core This subject introduces students to the theoretical and practical aspects of Corporations Law within the Australian legal context. Students gain an understanding of Australian Corporate Regulatory frameworks and the functions and responsibilities of all key stakeholders, such as management, membership, and the outsiders. Students will learn about various business organisations and focus on the principles of company law. Students will develop their ability to apply those principles to practical situations in their respective professional world. The role and function of a company constitution will be considered as well as how a company makes contracts through its directors, agents, and employees. The subject will present a detailed explanation of the role of the company’s board of directors and the directors’ and officers’ management of the company. The directors’ common law, fiduciary duties, and statutory duties will be explored in this subject. The subject will also consider equity and debt capital, corporate fundraising, and disclosure documents, including disclosure in the prospectuses. The subject will examine the shareholders’ rights and remedies and will explore mechanisms when companies are in financial distress. Students will learn about the external administration of the companies, including the voluntary administration, receivership, pre-liquidation, and liquidation processes under the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth). This subject introduces students to the theoretical and practical aspects of Corporations Law within the Australian legal context. Students gain an understanding of Australian Corporate Regulatory frameworks and the functions and responsibilities of all key stakeholders, such as management, membership, and the outsiders. Students will learn about various business organisations and focus on the principles of company law. Students will develop their ability to apply those principles to practical situations in their respective professional world. The role and function of a company constitution will be considered as well as how a company makes contracts through its directors, agents, and employees. The subject will present a detailed explanation of the role of the company’s board of directors and the directors’ and officers’ management of the company. The directors’ common law, fiduciary duties, and statutory duties will be explored in this subject. The subject will also consider equity and debt capital, corporate fundraising, and disclosure documents, including disclosure in the prospectuses. The subject will examine the shareholders’ rights and remedies and will explore mechanisms when companies are in financial distress. Students will learn about the external administration of the companies, including the voluntary administration, receivership, pre-liquidation, and liquidation processes under the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth). 1 2
MPA715 Data Analytics Core Businesses continually collect large volumes of data on various aspects of their activities, which technology has enhanced. This data provides a wealth of information for improving and growing the business. This subject develops students’ knowledge and skills in analysing data to improve business decision-making. Specifically, students will use data visualisation and quantitative data analytical techniques to interpret, analyse and learn from the data. These techniques will also allow students to identify data errors, relationships, and trends. In addition, students will understand and apply different business analytical models. These models will include descriptive statistics, inferential statistics, use of index numbers and time series analysis. Students will be exposed to spreadsheet analysis and the application of specialist statistical package such as SPSS. 1 2
MPA716 Corporate Finance Core This unit will give students an understanding of the principles and concepts of Business Finance and Capital Markets. It examines the dynamics of capital markets from the eyes of both investors and those that raise capital and explores all the main issues in this area including where and how capital is sourced, the cost of capital, capital structure and its optimisation. We finish with the topical area of dividends and dividend policy. The course has a heavy reliance on financial mathematics and statistics and students may need to strengthen those areas with an extra investment of time. 1 2
MPA815 Corporate accounting Core This is an intermediate level financial accounting unit, with the primary purpose of exposing students to various contemporary financial reporting issues related to reporting entities within Australia and around the world. Specifically, the subject seeks to deepen and broaden students’ knowledge and understanding of the AASB (Australian Accounting Standard Board) and IASB (International Accounting Standard Board) and equip them with the needed skill set to apply these standards in preparing and presenting financial statements and disclosures. The subject is designed to promote students’ critical and analytical skills in addressing financial reporting issues. 2 1
MPA816 Information Systems for Managers Core Accounting Information Systems are an essential component of today’s organisations as they support managers in planning and controlling operations, improve problem-solving and decision-making in organisations, and provide information for financial accounting reports and external financial reporting. This subject introduces students to the role of accounting information systems in organisations, transactions processing, business processes, information flows and information technology, systems design and development, internal control, audit procedures, ethics related to accounting information systems, risk, and security (fraud minimisation) issues, database management systems, enterprise resource planning systems and e-commerce. This subject provides students with the practical skills and the assessment of identifying, evaluating and justifying the selection of a commercially available accounting information system software package suited to a small to medium sized business. 2 1
MPA817 Strategic Management Accounting Core The main objective of this subject is to examine the role of management accounting from strategic point of view with examples drawn from real business scenarios. At a strategic level, the management accountant provides advice to top management and implements strategies to enhance shareholder value and build a competitive organisation. This subject specifically covers strategic management accounting issues pertaining to decentralised organisations. It covers performance evaluation of different responsibility centres and reward systems for its managers. It also covers topics on managing suppliers and customers, product pricing (including transfer pricing) and other contemporary management accounting techniques. 2 1
MPA818 Taxation Law and Practice Core Students learn about the law and practice of income taxation in Australia and the implications of income tax legislation on businesses and individuals. This subject develops students’ skills in reading, understanding and applying legislation, case law and Australian Tax Office (ATO) rulings to practical taxation problems or issues, as well as the ability to explain complex terms and undertake tax calculations. 2 1
MPA914 Accounting Research Project Core A good understanding of the research process is essential, as business research processes can inform managers, bolstering their ability to make the right decisions based on available information. In this subject, students learn different theoretical frameworks, to identify and conceptualise interrelationships between a range of variables. Students also learn research processes such as research design, literature review, sampling processes, data collection and analysis, and development of research output. Research ethics is examined in this unit and different ethical dimensions are explored. Although the unit accounts for both quantitative and qualitative research methods, the unit will primarily focus on qualitative data and research methods. Additionally, the unit assists students to develop report writing and research presentation skills at an AQF 9 level. 2 2
MPA915 Auditing and Assurance Core This subject examines the role of the auditor and the systematic audit process of gathering evidence to assess the validity and reliability of financial information. While the focus of this subject is on the external audit of financial reports in compliance with the Corporations Act 2001, students will also receive an understanding of other forms of audit and assurance. Students will have the opportunity to extend their research skills by reviewing current research to investigate contemporary issues in auditing and assurance. Using scenarios, students exercise judgement when assessing ethical issues, fraud and the risk of material misstatement. This subject will also expose students to the complexities of audit planning and various audit methodologies. Students will learn to identify audit risk and develop audit procedures to respond to the risk. Students will also form and communicate an audit opinion based on the evidence obtained. This subject will prepare graduates for entry into the audit profession through assessing and using information technology platforms to enhance understanding of audit concepts. It will also allow them to develop analytical and communication skills that are necessary when communicating audit results. Students are exposed to the dynamic nature of the audit profession and the need to adapt to legal, professional and technological change. 2 2
MPA916 Advanced Corporate Reporting Core This subject is an advanced level corporate reporting unit that builds on the knowledge and skills gained by students in financial accounting subjects, through the examination of current issues in accounting. Primarily, the subject seeks to advance knowledge of theoretical and contemporary issues of accounting to resolve specific financial reporting issues related to the Australian Accounting Standard Board’s accounting standards. The subject is geared towards equipping students with well-developed analytical and critical thinking skills to address contemporary issues in accounting. 2 2
MPA917 Accounting Theory Core The purpose of the subject is to provide a sound knowledge of normative, positive and critical theories of accounting. Students explore the nature of theories and alternative forms of logic and other related concepts such as ontology and epistemology. A major portion of the time is spent on a critical examination of the current Accounting conceptual framework and its historical development, highlighting the role of theory in understanding current accounting standards, accounting practice and the use of accounting information by the range of stakeholders in reporting entities. Ethical issues facing the accounting profession in preparing and presenting financial statements to stakeholders are also examined. 2 2

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Fees & Costs

Fee-paying Places

Per year $19360
Per semester $9680
Per year $24000
Per semester $12000

When you are studying higher education courses you may qualify for FEE-HELP payments for part or all of your tuition fees. FEE-HELP loans do not cover materials costs.

Find out more information about FEE-HELP.

Fees displayed are effective for new applications received on or after 1st of November. Tuition fees do not include textbooks, course materials or overseas student health insurance and visa fees.

After initial deposit, international students are able to pay tuition fees in installments, four times per year.

For more detailed information please read the International Student Fees.

Portrait of Natalie Butler

Scholarships on offer

'We’d been discussing what projects we had coming up that we needed to go and buy materials for. And so then the scholarship came and it was just a sigh of relief.'

See what scholarships are available


Entry requirements


  1. Minimum of a Bachelor’s degree in any area of studies from a recognised higher education institution
  2. In the absence of a Bachelor’s degree, the following will be considered:
    1. A qualification at AQF level 8 [Graduate Certificate in Accounting; or Graduate Diploma in Accounting] from a recognised institution.
    2. Mature age applicants who do not hold any formal qualifications will be considered for admission on a case-by-case basis considering prior studies, employment record, and professional experience. A minimum of five years of relevant work experience, post year 12, will be required.

Applicants will be required provide a résumé providing verifiable details of work experience and testimonials on duties and responsibilities of employment.

Applicants will be required to attend a panel interview to assess their suitability for admission. The panel will comprise Head of Program of MPPA, another Head of Program, and an ongoing lecturer in Accounting.

For the mature age entry students, study support programs will be provided in the following areas:
  • Academic writing, incorporating essay and report writing
  • Study skills including notes taking, summarising material, and constructing answers to test questions
  • Referencing
  • Academic integrity

Higher Education Admissions Criteria

As well as the specific entry requirements above, Melbourne Polytechnic admits students on the basis of the following categories:

If you have already studied higher education: Y ou may meet the admissions criteria for higher education at Melbourne Polytechnic if your highest level of study since leaving secondary education is a higher education course, such as a university degree.

If you have studied a VET course: You may meet the admissions criteria for higher education at Melbourne Polytechnic if your highest level of study since leaving secondary education is a vocational education and training (VET) course.

If you have recent secondary education: You may meet the admissions criteria for higher education at Melbourne Polytechnic if you are a recent secondary education student whose admission is primarily based on the completion of Year 12 within the past two years.

If you have work and life experience: You may meet the admissions criteria for higher education at Melbourne Polytechnic if you have work and life experience and left secondary education more than two years ago and have not undertaken vocational education training (VET) or higher education study since then.

Read more about higher education admissions criteria..

Academic: AQF (Australian) Bachelor degree or overseas equivalent. Applicants must have an undergraduate degree in any field.
English: Academic IELTS 6.5 with no individual band below 6.0, Pearson PTE Academic 58 overall with no individual communicative skill below 50, or Melbourne Polytechnic recognised equivalency.

Next Steps

Melbourne Polytechnic is committed to providing transparency to the admissions process. In line with this commitment, we provide you with information that will help in making informed choices about your future studies.

Find out more about Melbourne Polytechnic’s commitment to admissions transparency.

Applicants for this course will need to have met the academic requirements. Meeting the minimum admission criteria does not guarantee entry into this course. Past academic performance may be considered.

You may also be required to attend an interview to discuss your career plans, aptitude and understanding of your chosen course of study and the requirements of tertiary study. (This may be conducted face-to-face or by through a video conference call using Zoom or other application).

During your interview, you may be asked to provide:

  • Your CV outlining your relevant work and life skills and experience
  • Any letters of reference from employers
  • Documents relating to prior study including course transcripts and subject outlines from other Higher Education Providers if you wish to apply for credit

When we receive your application, the International Office will be in contact with you shortly to discuss your application and provide you additional instructions.

If you'd like to speak to one of our International Office staff directly, call 1300 635 276

A teacher wearing a Melbourne Polytechnic lanyard, teaching students outdoors. An overlay text reads "Victorian Training Awards - Winner, Large Training Provider of the Year 2024"

We're Victoria's Large Training Provider of the Year

Study with Melbourne Polytechnic, proud winner of Victoria’s 2024 Large Training Provider of the Year! Recognised for our innovative programs, industry partnerships and commitment to student success, we’re here to help you build the skills for a thriving future.

Recognising Organisations

CPA Australia Logo

CPA Australia

You are currently looking at information for local students

Local student means; you are an Australian citizen or permanent resident, a New Zealand citizen or a permanent humanitarian visa holder.